2025年10月28-31日 | 新加坡博览中心
- Persons possessing identification papers from recognised foreign press organisations (Foreign Press Association, national and state press associations, etc.)
- Radio and TV journalists, production firms who can present an official order from a radio or TV company (original letterhead, no copy). If accompanied by a camera crew, the filming schedule must be submitted before the exhibition opens.
- Journalists representing Internet publications which belong to press syndicates or publishing houses and whose online publications are established information channels for the textile community. A copy of an online editorial written by you must be provided.
- Journalists who can prove that they are working for the publications which have been permitted to participate in this exhibition by presenting the original copy of
- their bylined articles
- publication in which they are named as editors, permanent members of the editorial staff or authors
- Freelance reporters, editors and photographers who submit an official letter of assignment (on company letterhead) from a bona fide publisher/editor/producer that states you are covering the exhibition for their organisations.
- Photographers who can show documentary proof that they are working for the media.
- There is no right to accreditation. If you do not belong to any of the above categories, you cannot be accredited and must register as a visitor to the exhibition. Non-editorial staff (advertising, sales, marketing, business development, circulation, etc) and those working on corporate publications and reports that are circulated internally or to a select group of clients are not eligible for accreditation.